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The Legacy You Create

Writer's picture: Anna PrangerAnna Pranger

She wrapped her old weathered hand around mine and held it gently as her worn fingers stroked mine. Her eyes sparkled with a love that I could not match. Her grey hair glistened in the sunlight, aged with wisdom and grace. I sat quietly on that front porch as the wind blew lightly. I picked up my ice tea and sipped it slowly. I leaned in as she told stories of her past and stories of my family. She told stories of her grandma; a woman who was meek and kind with a strong prayer life that moved mountains. I could see the resemblance in my own grandma. She then told stories of her Grandma's Mother; a woman strong and worn by the conditions life threw at her, meek was not her stature but bravery was. As the conversation ended I found myself in a hammock with the sun hot on my face, overcome by the design of legacy.

Legacy by definition is “anything handed down from the past." I think about my own legacy as I hear stories from my Grandparents, knowing what a blessing it is to have all four still in my life. I see the strong work ethic and compassion in me, passed down from my Grandmothers. I ponder my meek nature matched with bravery and resistance as I sit in awe of those who have gone before me.

I am then reminded of the lineage that I am adopted into. According to the book of Matthew we find many incredible men and five named women in the lineage of Jesus, those being: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and Bathsheba. Though tainted by sin we see common traits in each of these women, courage, bravery, meekness, and wisdom. It is crucial that we study the lineage that has gone before us, their stories, their hearts, and the positions they were put in to survive paint a picture of the story we continue to live.

The lineage is then perfected with Jesus, the first and the last, the perfecter of our Faith. The one who took the shame of sin and covered it with His blood. The one who calls our souls to become one with Him. The one who gave you His mind, His heart, healing, wisdom, and most of all Himself (salvation) so that we could continue on the lineage that was started many years ago.

As I look to my personal lineage and the one I was adopted into it becomes evident to me that I have been given a story to carry out. I have been trusted with a baton to carry across the finish line of my life. My story will then be carried on by those who will come after me. The same news goes for you, you have been granted the privilege to write your story next to the creator as you carry out the legacy laid before you. In the arms of Jesus you are called to break generational curses in your family line, right wrongs of unforgiveness, and in some cases light the candle of Salvation as a first generation christian.

Hebrews 12:1 says that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, they have gone before us and they are cheering us on as we run with endurance to complete the race set before us. Your life, family and call is not a coincidence. Maybe you didn't have a strong family unit or your family line is filled with sin and witch craft. I am here to tell you that Jesus covers a multitude of sin and that tainted line stops with you. With the prayers of Jesus deep in your heart, you are called to set up the baton for those who will run after you. Even more so, you have a heavenly lineage that you have been adopted into. Agree with their prayers, their traits and qualities, learn from them and ask God to equip you with the tools you need to run this race with endurance.

Friends, the Bible says that people perish from a lack of knowledge, I am reminded of this as I wrap up this blog. It's important that we recognize the legacy that we have been born in. Every legacy will have blurred lines of sin due to the fallen state of our world. We are going to mess up like our ancestors did before us. That is the beauty of studying Jesus's genealogy, within that study you will find sin filled people loved and called by God to be a part of ushering in the Savior of the World. With that being said, we must also acknowledge the good that has come out of our legacy. Many of us will harvest what was planted many years ago as we agree with the prayers and hearts that have gone before us. We are also called to plant the seeds that we want our future generations to harvest when we are long gone.

The most important piece of our legacy is that we agree with the prayers that Jesus intercedes to the Father on our behalf. We must storm the gates of Heaven where we will find the love of our Father and the passion of our Savior cheering us on, equipping us, and providing our every need before we even ask. In the secret place of your heart, where Jesus has made His home, you will find the answers you are looking for. You will find that God does not make a mistake, He ordained the lineage you were born into. He will right many wrongs through you as you walk step in step with Him. He is a God of legacy and lineage, He is a God of multiplication, He covers sin with the blood as He breaks out of the box of religion you try to put Him in. A relationship with Him in the Secret Place of your heart will change just how much you thought you knew.

As you ponder the legacy that has gone before you and the one you are creating, prepare your baskets for harvest. Much has been planted, much has been plowed, and now much will be harvested in this coming season. Agree with the prayers of heaven for your life and count it all joy as a great Cloud of Witnesses cheer you on!


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